Right Time To Mow
Our company views lawn mowing in a different light than some others may. With all the advanced technology and information we have gathered over the years, we like to view it as more of a science than anything else. Part of our “scientific equation” towards having the perfect lawn is understanding when exactly is the right time to mow your lawn. Let’s take a quick overview of all the options. 5 a.m. – 9 a.m. : You will be relieved to know that we don’t believe this is the best time to mow. Typically during this time the grass is still trying to dry off from the morning dew. Mowing wet grass leaves clumps, clogs up the mower, and can leave behind deep and heavy tracks. So, go ahead and breathe! You won’t need to wake up at the crack of dawn for your ideal lawn. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. : Well, we promised you could sleep in, but not that late. Probably anytime past 9 a.m. and before noon is the premier time to mow your yard. It should be dried off from all the extra moisture, and can be cut before it has to take on the high heats of the afternoon. 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. : This time slot is not a bad option for mowing your lawn. Really, the only drawback for your lawn is that it will face some added strain from being mowed in the heat. The main issue in mowing this time of day is that it is going to be hardest on the mower. If you’re ready to take on the high heats and want to make lawn mowing into a calorie burning workout, then feel free to mow at this time of day! 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. : If you are really not an early bird or have work obligations, then late afternoon is probably the second best time of day to mow your lawn! The heat has likely subsided a bit, making things easier on both your lawn and you! Get out and mow the lawn and be back in just in time for dinner! 6 pm. - 9 p.m. : This is arguably the worst time of day to mow your lawn. First off, it can be dark causing potential dangers such as unseen holes while also making it difficult to get nice straight lines. However, perhaps the biggest problem is that it does not allow your lawn any time to recover before the nightfall. It is vital that your lawn has ample time to recuperate, as it is most susceptible to diseases and fungus growth during the night time. 9 pm. – 3 a.m. : Well again, the same rules apply that we just stated above about night time mowing. As well, this option might really disturb the neighbors if you have any. Not to mention, unless you are nocturnal, there are likely dangers of you falling asleep. Get some rest and please don’t consider mowing at such a ridiculous time! There you have it! Use this guide to help figure out what time of day will best suit your schedule! |